What is Fitness & How Fit are you?

Let’s take a look at fitness! There is a lot to discover. The type of fitness we focus on at Dharma Yoga Loft is holistic, which means we look to nourish and support the whole person. Rather than compartmentalizing which only creates disconnection, the holistic approach brings all of you to the table. It like a puzzle that is all scattered and when you bring each piece of the puzzle back together you are treating all of who you are.

We can learn about fitness by equaling learning what it is not as well as what it is.

Fitness is not all about bulking up! And it isn’t only about flexibility.

If you are all bulk but no range of motion you are missing the beauty of freedom of what movement can provide the body. Ultimately! Your fitness practices should be enhancing your life, and supporting the way you move through the daily tasks, providing ease in every day functional movements you do regularly. How strong and flexible you are, is going to determine how free you live and how well you enjoy the hobbies and activities you participate in.

If you are all strength but no flexibility or vs verses, you are going to throw yourself out of balance and out of your optimal state of homeostasis. Holistic health considers both length and strength.

Following trends like only weightlifting and not stretching will leave you further from your goals and often with pain and more injuries. But this is preventable because balance is the key to EVERYTHING, and we are here to support that balance. At the close of every class, we bring our hands together at the heart which is a mudra. The Mudra called Anjali represent concentration and balance.

In fitness and nutrition, the pendulum can swing too far to one side and we can find ourselves caught is extremes instead of in balance. 

In extremes we can lose the essence, the purpose, the wholeness. This leaves us in limitation rather than expansion.

So, what is fitness? 

It’s a balance, it brings the body and mind in a state of homeostasis. It’s a blend between a few essential elements ….

It’s fluidity and range of motion, hydration of the connective tissue, it multi facet strengthening, it’s dumping the excess lymph, it is increasing circulation and blood flow.

Even the very ancient wisdom and comprehensive science of yoga knew all the aspects of fitness and its whole design is based on an ebb and flow of length and strength, working on balance poses, proper form, low impact, strength building, flexibility, and happy connective tissue. It understands the mind and how it plays a role in it all and so does the breath, prana, intention, mystic's, frequency and alchemy.

How fit is you??  Questions to ask ….

How well are you breathing?

How well are you moving?

How well is your mind set?  Are you getting brain fitness? Because the brain is a muscle and needs exercise.

A Physical Assessment is caring for,

-your elasticity, mobility, & range of motion

-is your connective tissue hydrated

-bone health - Are you giving the right impact on your bones .

-do you work on both lengthening & strengthening 


Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mind-set 

-have you work the muscle of the brain through purposeful exercises that allow your brain to thrive 

Heart & Soul transformation 

-sense we have a heart & soul and energy is actually the bulk of who we are 

-are you nourishing spiritual fitness 

-did you know the heart has neural tissue 

-the body is intelligent, the soul is wise, the heart is the map 

-do you know how to be with your emotions & know what messages they are giving 

Fitness is …





Fitness that considers the inside out has the most impact! 

Experience holistic fitness! Wellness from the inside out 

Up level your fitness!! With 35 + classes & wellness lounge treatments.