Private Classes


Virtual Private one on one, group or corporate classes

Private in person classes

Private group in Studio heated Class

Private in Studio regular temp classes



Private Class Instruction

One on One Instruction - a personalized class for your needs and goals. Yoga, HIIT, Sculpt, Kickboxing, Healing yoga, Barre and Pilates, Kids yoga, Prenatal, Postnatal and Meditation available

1 session $75 / 9 sessions $555

Group Private Classes - off site, in studio in the regular temperature or in the heated room. A Variety of styles and levels to choose from.

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Healing Sessions

Healing Sessions- Energy work, sound therapy, tuning forks, meditation, and healing sessions are personalized for each individual Session are one one one - $125 or buy a package of 3 for $333 paypal below or venmo @jenabaird (jenamaire)

Self Discovery Course - There is so much to discover. Jena Baird specialize in self study, using the ancient wisdom, intuition and tools to better understand yourself. The inner technology you have is waiting to be discovered. Self discovery sessions and day retreats can be scheduled by appointment. Click here for more information

Sound Healing, mantras, visualization/meditation, breathwork, chakra cleansing, mystic school, and diving into self healing techniques

Virtual Private Classes

Virtual Private Classes- Inquire about setting up a private one on one class online. Want to learn more about yoga, meditation, breath-work and using the ancient wisdom and techniques of yoga to enhance your life. Personal training, HIIT, Sculpt and Pilates are also available . Email:

  • Start a new practice from the comfort of your own home.

  • Advance your practice

  • Understand Alignment and the best optimal form

  • Customized yoga or workout plan

  • Personalized attention

  • Stay motivated & accountable

  • Prenatal yoga + work-outs, techniques and instruction to prepare for labor

One on One In Studio or Mobile class option

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Personal Training- HIIT, Yoga Sculpt, core engaging , alignment, breath work and toning exercises that work on proper form. Set up your class today.

Private Yoga. Yoga is designed to meet your specific needs. The ancient practice of yoga understands the health of the whole person and includes techniques for physical, mental, emotional,  & spiritual well being. You will learn the five points of yoga: Proper Exercise, Breathing, Diet, Relaxation, and Meditation/ Positive Thinking. Private yoga is for anyone who needs a personal trainer for a specific focus and for personalized attention. Please call in advance to schedule your sessions. Private yoga is taught at the Loft or at a mobile location.. A yoga mat, bolsters, and support are offered throughout the session. Because yoga is a mind, body, spirit, fitness practice you will see lasting results that are far reaching in all areas of your life. 

1  session.    70-90 Minutes.         $65

5 session.     60- 70 Minutes.    $59 per session.  Total $295.  (use in 60 days)

8 sessions.    60- 70 Minutes.   $53 per session  Total $425.  (use in 90 days)

If you are interested in mobile yoga weekly at your location add an additional $50 to the the 5 pack and $75 to the 8 sessions.

Private Group Classes at the Studio

Private Group Sessions- Gather a group for your own private personalized class. Two options are available for classes. With two classrooms you have the option to book a private class in the regular temp room or in the second classroom with a state of the art infrared heat system.

Book a heated class - Receive the incredible benefits of infrared heat while practicing yoga. Styles of classes to choose from. Sculpt, power, HIIT, Circuit, Beginner, Gentle Deep Stretch, Yin, Therapeutic, Vinyasa flow, and more. Inquire about pricing for private groups.

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Intro to Yoga Private Yoga - Learn the basics 

Are you new to yoga and new to Dharma Yoga Loft. We offer a special first time Intro to Yoga Private class with yoga instruction + a workshop to help you create a foundation. Yoga basics includes yoga alignment, how to engage in the postures, and you will learn how to approach the posture and personalize your yoga practice for your needs at this time. 

75 minute class- $45 1 person, 2 people $70, and group of four is $120

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Kid & Teen Private Yoga +Family yoga 

This is a special and unique offering to serve the children and teens in our community. A private yoga session is personalized to your child specific needs. Many children are feeling stress very early on, which effects their happiness, ability to adapt to new situations, connect with others, sleep well, and to concentrate properly. I help children with anxiety, self awareness, self esteem, coping techniques, and skills to encourage them to see their own unique and innate abilities.  I offer 45-60  minute sessions depending on their age for children & teens.

What they will learn- Sessions often include, breathing techniques, yoga postures, mind & body awareness techniques, visualizing, energy/chakra balancing, affirmations, and an understanding of the 5 pts of yoga: proper exercise, breathing, nutrition, relaxation, and positive thinking/meditation. sessions are scheduled by appointment,pasoyoga @gmail.com805-434-1924


Private Prenatal Yoga

Private Yoga during pregnancy helps with common discomforts such a back pressure, sciatica, trouble sleeping, increasing energy, and uplifting your spirit. Along with pregnancy, yoga is helpful to prepare your body and mind physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for labor. Many yoga postures and breathing techniques makes a substantial difference in labor and delivery. If you committ to staying healthy and active during pregnancy it will greatly benefit your life. I also teach labor and delivery seminar that prepare you and your partner. I offer both private sessions and group. Classes includes the 5 points of yoga: proper exercise, breathing, nutrition, relaxation, and meditation/positive thinking


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